Get to know me...

Name: Alana Lucia Crisci Background: I love consuming, talking about and taking pictures of FOOD; For this I thank my fabulous, but flaming crazy, Italian/Spanish familia. I previously worked in investment banking & make-up. I found the beauty industry gave me back some of the creativity I had lost when I stopped studying Art, which I love and miss. I reckon a combination of brownies, music and fabulous friends saved my degree, from which I would have otherwise emerged with a broken soul. I was once going to be an actress, dahling, but when I started my Degree it was goodbye Hamlet, hello Hitler... Now: Let's talk food, let's talk culture, let's talk life.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Cocktails & Monday Mornings; The Link.

Cocktails are dangerous because they taste delicious, so you drink with enthusiasm. This equals unexpectedly horrific hangovers. Due to this, your entire weekend is a blur...and then it's Monday morning. Bo****ks.