Get to know me...

Name: Alana Lucia Crisci Background: I love consuming, talking about and taking pictures of FOOD; For this I thank my fabulous, but flaming crazy, Italian/Spanish familia. I previously worked in investment banking & make-up. I found the beauty industry gave me back some of the creativity I had lost when I stopped studying Art, which I love and miss. I reckon a combination of brownies, music and fabulous friends saved my degree, from which I would have otherwise emerged with a broken soul. I was once going to be an actress, dahling, but when I started my Degree it was goodbye Hamlet, hello Hitler... Now: Let's talk food, let's talk culture, let's talk life.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Starting the daily grind

7.35 A.M Should really have left by now keep saying going to leave early to get the hours in but here I am battling over which of the two pairs of shoes (needed all-rounder heals for work) I should keep, and I have to decide NOW - ghaaad this is stressful! Boyfriend and partner-in-crime says keep them both...wish he wasn't as indecisive as me, desperately need some help deciding...

I chose. Comfort wins.

Rushing down the hill to the tube I'm remembering the list of things I need to sort out today...1) Cancel that godforsaken 3mobile contract, thousands of pounds later! 2) My brand new bb bold has already got software issues = lunch time sprint to nearest phone shop. Did she just....OH NO she didn't just step on the winning shoe and not apologise, fat feet! I get up at my tube stop, the buckle on my new mac (note: am not shop-alholic, recent birthday means I had money to spend on superficial material goods which I might otherwise think twice before that I'm an 'independant woman' living away from home and all that...) has just broken...this was not a cheap jacket, shit. I don't have the receipt. Have to call them back after 10a.m (back track to telephone conversation) "...But I just wanted to check that I can definitely change without a receipt??". No joy, I have to call back after 10a.m. 3) Attempt to exchange mac after work.

Leg it out of the station..."No I don't want a newspaper thanks"...get out of my way you sloths!! Running. My shoe got stuck in the pavement and I flung across the street. Embarassing? I haven't got time.
Get my shoe back on, get into work. Got an email for extra work, and I just found coco pops in my drawer...result!

Dunked digestive into my tea, it broke off and fell in. Fml.

ROLL ON 5.30's friday and it's going to be a sunny weekend.

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